HELD ON 7th March 2005

 Location: BCS SIGIST as a break out meeting, London.


1. Attendance.



Graham Thomas, Julian Harty, Stuart Reid.


Lawrance Titterton, Margaret Edney, Richard Neeve


2. Agenda.

                        The agenda was agreed, with the addition of an item covering BSI and the discussion of a forum for the group was brought forward.

3. Membership of the group

Since the last meeting Isabel Evans has left the working party. The working party would like to express it’s sincere thanks to Isabel for her tireless, selfless and invaluable contribution over many years.

Don Mills has volunteered to join the working party. The meeting agreed that the working party would take on one member at a time into the authoring group, to aid in managing the transition whilst maintaining continuity.

SR – Contact Don Mills and invite him to join the authoring group.

4. Progress

The meeting discussed progress and the transition activities with Isabel’s departure from the group.
Members reported progress and discussed additional work pairings.

GT – Graham will pick-up both the scientific and the financial conversion procedures.
SR & JH – Julian and Stuart agreed to pair work together
GT – Graham to write a proposal for funding to complete the work on generating non-functional examples.

5. Glossary

Erik Van Veenendal’s working party has updated the glossary.
Stuart is to create a proposal to update BS7925-1/-2 taking into account the  living glossary, the work of Erik’s working party and other published work on the internet.

SR – Create a proposal to update BS7925-1/-2. Initial suggestions for membership include; Stuart Reid, Erik Van Veenendal, Geoff Thompson and Graham Thomas. The proposal is to include a request for funding from BSI and the BCS, to cover expenses for working party meeting.

6. Date of Next Meeting

                          The next meeting is proposed for 21st June at the BCS SIGiST meeting.


Graham Thomas



Attendees, Testing Standards Website